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Welcome to the McDonough High School Parent Teacher Student Organization website

We are proud to say McDonough High School has an active PTSO within our school. The PTSO is a volunteer organization that provides manpower and monetary funds to enrich and supplement the educational experience of ALL students at MHS, support the efforts of the staff and promote school spirit and pride, while building a bridge between school and home.

Who are we?

·       President, Dr. Erica Wilson

·       Vice President, Mr. James Person

·       Treasurer, Mrs. Jocelyn Coates

·       Secretary, Mrs. Jennifer Shettle


To stay in the know

·       Join the PTSO and pay your membership dues of $10 in person or send cash in an envelope by your student to the MHS front office and ask for Mrs. Coates.

·       Sign-up for Upcoming Volunteer opportunities.

·       Submit your contact information to our email at

·       Make a Non-fundraiser donation!

·       Keep up with PTSO events and find the latest happenings in the Ram Round-UP, Facebook, and Instagram.

How can you help? – Attend our meetings, make suggestions, offer connections to the community. Whatever your expertise allows will help.

When are Meetings Held? - Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month at 5:00pm both in person and virtually.

How Can I Volunteer? – When volunteers are needed at events, we will send out a request via Sign Up Genius. Other times we may do it by email.

How Can I Join?-Complete the membership form below and drop it off at the McDonough High School Main Office or send it via email to 


Social Media 

Click HERE to visit our Facebook

Click HERE to visit our Facebook