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National Honor Society

Membership is an honor bestowed upon a student as a sophomore, junior or senior. The candidate must have been in attendance at McDonough High School for at least one semester. Selection for membership is by a majority vote of the faculty advisory council and is based on outstanding scholarship, by having a cumulative GPA of 3.6, demonstration of leadership, a record of volunteer service and positive character.

Underclassmen will be notified and a meeting will take place for those students who were eligible based on their cumulative GPA.  The selection process will be discussed.  An information packet (4 pages - download below) will need to be completed along with an essay and cover sheet(which are given out by Ms. Dempsy and Ms. Terlecki). The packet requires a student list evidence of leadership and service(*one service verification form must be turned in for each service listed.)  

Students are encouraged to get involved in school clubs, run for class office and be involved in the Student Government Association (SGA) in order to gain leadership experience, which is required for selection. 

* Our chapter is now requiring a volunteer service verification form be turned in for each service listed on page 2 of the packet.  Students need to complete the verification form and have the organization sponsor sign it.  Students should be completing these forms on an ongoing basis and may need to hold on to them until selection packets are actually due.  A service opportunity resource and idea’s page has also been added to our NHS website.

A copy the Maurice J. McDonough National Honor Society Chapter by-laws are available for review.  Please contact Ms. Dempsey, or Ms. Terlecki, with any questions.

MHS Chapter ByLaws

MHS NHS Student Activity/Information Form

Volunteer Service Verification Form

The Officers meetings will take place on the second Wednesday of every month.  In the case of a canceled meeting because of loss of HERD Time, the meetings will occur the week following the scheduled date.